Established 2001
Food Safety Services & Project Consultants for UK & International Food Businesses

Services We Provide
Food businesses are required to operate to the highest standards in order to produce and serve safe food to their customers. We use our in-depth experience of the food industry and expert team of qualified food safety consultants to deliver a range of services to enable you to fully protect your customers and your business.

Butchers HACCP
A Butchers Food Safety Management System developed in conjunction with Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Environmental Health teams specifically for retail butchers. Suitable for businesses who prepare and sell both raw and cooked meat products. Presenting an alternative approach whilst retaining the key elements of a more formal documented HACCP based system. The pack contains specific hazard and guidance notes, twenty eight food safety rule sheets, prove it records and a separate daily and monthly monitoring and recording booklet.
Delivered to clients by on site coaching and pack development generally over one to two days. Fees charged on a daily rate.

Enhanced Safer food, better business Development (FSA)
Using the Food Standards Agency's (FSA's) Safer food, better business Catering, Retail or specific cuisine packs, after onsite consultation with the business, we complete all Safe Methods in an electronic format adding sufficient detail to satisfy legal requirements. Bespoke Daily Diary and recording sheets are drawn up to reflect the needs of the business. The pack can be printed off and presented as a file copy.
Delivered to clients by on site coaching and pack development generally over one to two days, depending on the scope of the business. Fees charged on a daily rate.

Food Safety & HACCP Training
SFBB Systems are a registered training centre with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) and provide accredited food safety and HACCP training courses across Level 1 to 4.
Tailored in-house courses are also available, to reflect the needs of individual businesses, and can be delivered either formally or in a Coaching environment within the food premises.
Course / Coaching fees vary.

In-House & Third Party Auditing
Independent food safety audits carried out by qualified Lead Auditors either as part of the in-house team or on an un-announced third party basis. These audits are key to fostering the principles that build a positive food safety and hygiene culture within an organisation and improving inspection ratings. Based on multi point audit checklists against HACCP standards or Local Authority (Municipality) regulatory requirements. These audits can also be tailor made to follow specific brand standards and an organisation's own HACCP / Food Safety Management Systems.
Delivered by comprehensive physical inspections of food production and service facilities from recipt of goods, storage, production, cooking, cook-chill, hot hold and service to your customers. Includes reviews of documented systems and training levels. Fully detailed report of observations and recommendations with a scored result reflecting, where necessary, the local inspection rating / hygiene award.
Half to full day audits followed by detailed report writing charged on a daily fee rate.

Improving Your Food Hygiene Rating
Food businesses in the UK falling short of achieving the top food hygiene rating of '5 - very good', are aware that most customers now use ratings when choosing where to eat out or purchase food. Increasing their inspection rating as quickly as possible, as the display of the rating on the premises is likely to become mandatory across the UK, is therefore vital to the success of the business. SFBB Systems has a track record of helping new businesses achieve a FHRS score of '5' at their first inspection and existing businesses consistently maintaining the highest rating.
Our visits can include food safety coaching and advice to help drive up your score, additionally we can assist in 'Right to Reply' and 'Requesting a Re-visit' with inspecting authorities.
On site visits required to carry out evaluations and provide advice charged on a daily fee rate basis.

Bespoke Food Safety Management Systems (HACCP)
Developing tool kits to support food businesses in implementing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) risk based management systems.
Formal HACCP packs for businesses requiring Approval and those with more complex food processes or offers.
Simpler, Food Safety Mangement Systems, tailored specifically for food service establishments such as restaurants, hotel kitchens, cafes and farm shops. Simple to use packs containing food safety procedures and recording templates to enable businesses to efficiently and effectively document the management of food safety risks pertinent to the foods they produce. All systems ensure compliance against regulatory requirements, improve operational practices and procedures and assist in training and awareness.
Delivered to clients by on site consultation, back office system development and one-to-one hand over. Fees charged on a daily rate.

HACCP Certification Programme
(Clients in Oman, Middle East)
As well as Independent Third-party Auditing SFBB Systems Lead Auditor, William Wood, working in partnership with the National Hospitality Institute based in Muscat, provides HACCP Certification and Surveillance Audits to the food service sector in Oman (Hotels / Restaurants/Catering). Click the button below for more information.

Help with Food Safety Incidents
Most food businesses experience allegations of food poisoning or physical contaminations from time-to-time. We can assist in investigations by contacting customers, gathering information and identifying possible causes. Action plans to prevent reoccurence, investigation conclusions and contact with enforcement authorities can also be provided.
Investigation and reporting time charged on a daily fee rate.